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Cayman Fund Services, EstructuraciĆ³n de fondos, FormaciĆ³n y registro de entidades, Servicios de directores independientes, Gobernanza de fondos, Cumplimiento y Servicios corporativos, Activos digitales y Servicios de cadena de bloques 

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Servicios de fondos

LĆ­deres en Cayman Fund Services a lo largo del ciclo de vida del fondo desde la formaciĆ³n del fondo & estructurando a los servicios continuos de fondos y corporativos de nuestras oficinas en Cayman Islas

Bell Rock es lĆ­der en servicios corporativos y de fondos. Somos un socio clave para la industria de servicios financieros que brinda una gama de servicios (directores independientes, estructuraciĆ³n y formaciĆ³n de fondos, domicilio social de formaciĆ³n de entidades, cumplimiento y regulaciĆ³n) para fondos de cobertura, fondos de capital privado, fondos de capital de riesgo, fondos inmobiliarios, cripto y fondos de cadena de bloques, corporaciones multinacionales, bancos de inversiĆ³n, empresas de gestiĆ³n de patrimonio, oficinas familiares y clientes privados.

TambiĆ©n actuamos como directores y supervisores de blockchain DAO y asesores principales de proyectos blockchain.  

Bell Rock estĆ” autorizado y regulado por la Autoridad Monetaria de las Islas CaimĆ”n. 

Quienes somos

Bell Rock es un proveedor verdaderamente independiente y regulado de fondos y servicios corporativos, que actĆŗa para muchas de las principales instituciones financieras del mundo, oficinas familiares, corporaciones multinacionales, fondos de cobertura, fondos de capital privado, administradores de activos y clientes privados. Estamos a la vanguardia de las iniciativas de gestiĆ³n de fondos, asesoramos en la estructuraciĆ³n y lanzamiento de fondos Cayman, selecciĆ³n de proveedores de servicios yservicios corporativos a una amplia gama de entidades de las Islas CaimĆ”n. Bell Rock tiene licencia y estĆ” regulado por la Autoridad Monetaria de las Islas CaimĆ”n y es miembro de muchas asociaciones industriales lĆ­deres.

Nuestro equipo profesional tiene una gran experiencia en finanzas tradicionales, habiendo trabajado para instituciones financieras de renombre en todo el mundo en banca de inversiĆ³n, derecho, gestiĆ³n de activos, gobernanza, cumplimiento, gestiĆ³n patrimonial y comercio. 

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Nuestros servicios

Una amplia gama de servicios de fondos de las Islas CaimĆ”n, como servicios de formaciĆ³n y lanzamiento de fondos, directores de fondos independientes registrados en CIMA, servicios corporativos, formaciĆ³n de entidades de las Islas CaimĆ”n, domicilio social, cumplimiento y apoyo normativo, sustancia econĆ³mica, formaciĆ³n y registro de gestiĆ³n de fondos, formaciĆ³n de entidades de mercados de capitales, servicios de liquidaciĆ³n voluntaria.

Nuestros expertos

Nuestroequipo profesionaltiene mĆ”s de 25 aƱos de experiencia en la industria de alto nivel en servicios financieros, gestiĆ³n de activos, derecho, gestiĆ³n de riesgos y gobierno corporativo. Nuestro equipo ha trabajado para nombres bien conocidos en finanzas, con experiencia en todo el mundo.

Servicios Bell Rock

EstructuraciĆ³n de Fondos, FormaciĆ³ny servicios de lanzamiento ā€“InversiĆ³nFondos

Servicios corporativos &Oficina registrada

Servicios de secretarĆ­a y apoyo a la junta

Agente Registrado / Agente de Procesos

Servicios de sustancia econĆ³mica 

Registro de Beneficiario Final

We rutinaTrabaje solo con administradores de activos, fintech, empresas de servicios financieros, oficinas familiares, corporaciones con estructuraciĆ³n legal y apoyo para fondos de CaimĆ”n: formaciĆ³n de entidades, registro, gobierno de fondos, regulatorio y de cumplimiento soporte, domicilio social y servicios corporativos.

Conducta y Normas

Bell Rock se asegura de que todos sus empleados y entidades comerciales operen con los mƔs altos estƔndares Ʃticos y profesionales.

Ambiente de trabajo

Estamos comprometidos a desarrollar y apoyar a nuestra gente en toda la organizaciĆ³n.

Medio Ambiente e Impacto Social

La sostenibilidad es una parte central de nuestra estrategia corporativa y la base para el crecimiento empresarial.

Datos del cliente y seguridad

Bell Rock utiliza sĆ³lidas tĆ©cnicas de seguridad de datos de clientes que brindan almacenamiento y comunicaciĆ³n encriptados por bancos. Como empresa regulada, probamos de forma rutinaria nuestra ciberseguridad y seguridad de datos. 

Socios industriales globales
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,
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